Kraft Kanya was started when Sayan Banerjee, an IT professional, met Sanchita Karmakar, a graphic designer. Impressed by a design created by her for a mutual friend, he approached her through Facebook with the idea of creating an e-commerce platform which promotes the importance of art in fashion, including both handicraft and digital illustration. The partnership business was inaugurated during the Covid-19 lockdown period with several uncertainties. However, with the constant support of customers, the business today has grown into a successful e-commerce platform working towards its primary goal of making art that leaves a statement etched on the world of fashion. While it grew its retail business, it also received bulk orders from several companies and grew into a wholesale trader. The products range from digitally illustrated art on t-shirts, coasters, wall stickers, tote bags etc. and handicraft products like stoneware and ceramics. The proud co-owners of Kraft Kanya cordially invite their customers to be with them in this beautiful journey as they strive to provide the best of products and services and look forward to seeing the business grow into a bigger e-commerce platform in the next five years.
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